Tropes are themes, concepts or motifs around a story's setting, scenarios, or characters (or a blend of these). Sometimes tropes are talked about in terms of cliches and plot devices that have been overused and overdone, but there's a reason why the same tropes crop up again and again in books and films, and why the most successful stories contain a wide range of "well-worn" tropes.
Tropes are the language of story. Audiences and readers instinctively expect certain tropes, depending on the genre, e.g. in fantasy, common tropes include "journey" and "quest". These form part of the promise and expectations that are bound up in that particular genre. However, the key to wielding the power of tropes is through unusual and unexpected combinations: switching and splicing tropes from across different genres has become a big part of popular storytelling.
For more about tropes and how to use these ideas to maximum effect in your writing, tune in to Brainstoryum Episode 73 (The Trope Special).
Here's a (non-exhaustive) list of tropes for your own story brainstorming. Have fun and go wild!
Ally as rational sceptic
Antagonist Bet/ wager Billionaire Blackmail Boss Bride (jilted/ runaway/ bridezilla) Building a team or army Building tools for defence/ attack The "chosen one" Deception as a weapon Disguise/ hidden identity Domestic staff/ maid/ nanny Escape Enemies to lovers Fairy tale Fake ally (friend who turns on you) Fish out of water Fling Friends to lovers Forbidden love Forced proximity Found family Generation clash Ghost Hero/ heroine (reluctant/ morally grey/ tortured) Journey |
Kidnapped Learning new form of defence Loner Love triangle Matchmaker Magical object Magic: discovering magical place/ society Magical powers: discovering untapped powers Military Mistaken identity Monster(s) Mystery unravelling Opposites attract Optimist vs pessimist Orphan Playboy Politics Portal Prophesy Protagonist in peril Protector Pursuit/ chase Quest/ mission (often combined with journey) Redemption Red herring |
Return to small town
Reunion Revenge Rivalry Road trip Royalty Sacrifice Scar Second chance Secrets Secret baby/ lost heir Surprise pregnancy Stepfather/ stepmother Siblings/ stepsiblings Stalker Stranded Suspects Ticking time bomb Twins Ugly duckling Unrequited love Victim Virgin Widow/ widower Workplace Wise old mentor |